Sound Design Portfolio
I do not claim any of the songs as my original work, however the mixing and editing of songs and sound effects for these productions is my own original work. Some of the things you are not able to hear from these samples are the correct layering of the effects, directionality or proper equalization for a theatre space.
Becky's New Car
By Steven Dietz
Produced by University of Idaho
Moscow, ID
DIrected by Zac Curtis
Design Concept Statement:
"When a woman says she wants a new car, what she really means is she wants a new life." ~Becky
How many of us can say we have had the courage to give up our normal everyday life for the chance to travel a new road to a new life?
Becky Starts her car and drives off. We hear her engine rev and the sound of her passing other cars with a music underscore
Everytime Becky thinks she is close to settling on a path, she suddenly changes her mind or something happend to change it and static returns.
The theme song to Becky's life.
The static clears when Becky finally makes a choice.
Face-off in the meadow
The Merry Wives of Windsor
By William Shakespeare
Produced by Idaho Repertoire Theatre
Moscow, ID
Directed by Cynthia White
Design Concept Statement:
Renaissance England meets TV Sitcom while still allowing for magical Fairy Sequences.
FairyHorn followed by the Fairy's emerging to dance around Hearn's Oak
Hot, dry summer day in the field while Dr. Cauis waits to fight Sir Hugh
The same field, at night when Sir Hugh finally arrives
Hearn's Oak twisting and breaking apart as if by magic for the Fairy's to appear
39 Steps
By Patrick Barlow
Produced by Center Stage Theatre
Federal Way, WA
Directed by Cynthia White
Design Concept Statement:
Murder, mystery and two clowns. A classic whodunit farce based on the works of Alfred Hitchcock.
Underscore for Mr. Memory sequence with French Clowns
Was used during what we called the "Midnight Atmosphere Sequence"
Period Radio Music
"Fourth Bridge" Sequence - Wood Creaking in the wind, the hint of music on the wind, and the sense of building tension/suspense. *NOTE: This starts very quiet.
Radio Newsflash
Plane approaches from a distance, fires machine guns, attempts to fly off, but is damaged and crashes